Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Put Your Watch On: A Prophecy

(I received this word on April 25, 2022.)

I believe God spoke a prophetic word to me while I was doing a study on prayer. It seemed “the still small voice,” said, “put your watch on.” I rarely wear it because I usually check the time on my cell phone. So, I put it on.

I shared this impression with a group of prayer warriors. One of these guys had a similar experience the night before. He was ministering on our Church’s altar prayer team and had a vision of watches and calendars. This is the message he felt the Lord gave him, “listen and see now and focus on obedience now. Don’t try to know far out into the future.”

The watch is a reminder to know the times we are living in. And to keep watch over our souls.

Calendars represent seasons. During this time and season of history, we are witnessing the deconstruction of the Christian faith. It’s no longer unusual for pastors to abandon teachings of Scripture to be culturally relevant.

False teachers and prophets have been allowed into the Church to change the clear moral teachings of Scripture. Wolves in sheep’s clothing are teaching false doctrine

Pastors of Churches that allow this teaching in their Churches – will be held accountable.

If you are a follower of Jesus, it’s time to watch and pray for the Church in America.

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