Friday, April 8, 2022

Enlarge Our Hearts


The Word:

I cling to your testimonies, O Lord; let me not be put to shame! I will run in the way of your commandments when you enlarge my heart! (Psalm 119:31-32 ESV)


As finite human beings, we are limited creatures. It takes an infinite Holy God to enlarge our hearts. We can’t grasp God and all his fullness. We need God by his Spirit to open our hearts to reveal his thoughts and loving intentions he has for us – to us. This love surpasses human knowledge and understanding – it’s experiential.

When God enlarges our hearts, our response is spiritual hunger. This hunger can only be satisfied by God’s Word and his presence. To be a people of the Word and not a people of His Presence makes us merely spiritual consumers of knowledge – that doesn’t produce spiritual fruit in our lives.

American evangelicals have a right to hold conservative political views. For some, patriotism and politics have become the main focus – they hurt the cause of Christ. Progressive Christians seek to deconstruct the faith. Both sides use God to push their agendas. The lack of spiritual depth in American Christianity has become evident for the world to see.

America is morally bankrupt and divided to the point that reconciliation between the political right and left seems impossible. Just look at the anger and division on Facebook and Twitter.

Prayer and repentance is our only answer. Scripture teaches, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:7) Many of us (not all) have become spiritually anemic and lack internal spiritual transformation. Thankfully there are still Christians growing during these days and are bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God, but in most cases, we rarely hear their voices among all the political bickering.

Watch and Pray: Father, please enlarge our hearts so that we can have the capacity to love you and our neighbor as ourselves. Pour out your Spirit on your people so that we will run after your commandments with humble hearts and demonstrate the love of Jesus to a confused and conflicted culture. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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