Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Ask For The Nations


The Word:

“Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.” – Psalm 2:8 ESV 

Read and meditate on Psalms 1 and 2.

A Reflection:

As intercessors, we need to grasp the implications of Psalms 1 and 2. In Psalm 1, we see how meditation on the Word shapes our lives. Psalm 2 invites us to partner with Jesus in prayer for the nations. We pray for those on the mission field. It takes both prayer and witness to carry out the great commission. Scripture teaches that all believers are to support and participate in spreading the gospel to all nations (Mathew 28:18-20.)

Prayer is the key to the success of the mission.

Prayer warriors need to be praying bold and audacious prayers for a worldwide move of God.

In partnership with Jesus, we have the privilege of asking the Father for the Nations. Our influence on world leaders and their rebellion against God is not political but spiritual – prayer is the key.

Below is a lengthy quote from Stuart McAlpine’s book, “Just Asking.”

“Here is the great asking of the Son by the Father, asking Him to “ask of me!” Having established in Psalm 1 the necessity for life according to the Word, we are here presented with asking as God’s essential and non-negotiable means for engagement with His purposes in the nations.

The personal meditation in the Word that is encouraged in Psalm 1 is followed by an invitation to public mission in Psalm 2 by way of asking. In other words, God’s Word in us is for God’s world.

The most common reason that so many believers are not acting like believers is because they are not asking ones. Right at the beginning of the introduction to the Psalter is this massive invitation to ask for huge things, for transformations that defy the imagination and challenge faith.

Herewith is the agenda of faith: the call is to speak out in prayer what needs to be spoken, God’s Word, and what cannot be silenced by the world’s mocking, raging and raucous unbelief. What is the strategy to take the nations? Asking is the strategy that overcomes. We inquire, then find that we acquire nations as our inheritance. Who would ever have thought! And whoever would have thought that the meek (humble askers) would inherit the earth?

Here is an invitation to bold asking in a world that threatens us and would think it has the right to push us around and mock the choices of the congregation of the righteous. The tumult of the nations in the first stanza looks unchangeable, unstoppable, invincible. What is the use of hoping, of opposing, of praying about it? It is too much, and it is too late, so too bad. But suddenly the asking Son is installed, and He is invoking the Father. He still is, as He ever lives to make intercession for us. Now He invites us, His anointed ones, to join His asking of the Father.”

Watch And Pray:

Father, we thank You that we can approach Your throne of grace anytime we wish. Jesus told us to ask ( Matthew 7:7-8.) So we ask for a heart for every ethnic group on earth. Raise – up more intercessors to pray in the harvest. Fill those on the field with your Spirit, so they can boldly proclaim the gospel. And help us all to be a part of making disciples of all nations. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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